WooCommerce VS Magento — WooCommerce leading the race

  • author-img Nidhi Arora
  • 10 years

We at Envision Ecommerce are always focused to come up with latest trends and news. Recently when the company behind WordPress (Automattic) acquired WooCommerce (Build by WooThemes), we were both excited and keen to see in depth the reason behind it. Upon analysis we got to know the real reason, it is a start of a very new era and opportunity for people who want to have their Ecommerce store at low cost. WordPress currently powers around 23% website on internet and they are striving to reach their goal of 51% which can be possible with such acquires.

We are a team of Magento Certified Professionals and for us Magento is and always be the best Ecommerce Platform. We also have deep expertise in WooCommerce and we work a lot on it too. So we thought to check out who is currently leading the race. We did some research and the results even took us by surprise. It is “WooCommerce” that is leading the number of stores that it powers compared to Magento.

No doubt that Magento is one of the most advanced Ecommerce platform that is very robust and formidable but WooCommerce has taken a lead with its ease to use and lesser development cost. Also the easy integration with WordPress makes it more accessible and user friendly. Magento, still have its own class with Enterprise version and premium client but WooCommerce with its ease have beaten Magento in the race very quickly.

Here are some stats to back our analysis

WooCommerce plugin has over 7.5 million downloads and a million+ active installs





Magento was launched in 2008 and WooCommerce in 2011 but if you see the trend, WooCommerce is catching it up very quickly.

WooCommerce is powering more website categories than Magento.

WooCommerce based website have presence all across the Globe where as Magento is limited to 15-20 country

Yes, we know that these facts and figures are not exactly correct (we cannot claim it to be as they are researched over internet) but they gives us a clear indication of how the trend is evolving. The increasing presence of WooCommerce is an encouraging fact for Ecommerce industry and for people looking for low cost Ecommerce solution. The merger with WordPress (Automattic) also gives a future prospect of possible hosted online Ecommerce solution by them just like Shopify and Bigcommerce.

Magento has its own class and it should not be much worried about these facts but yes it can certainly lose its ground in future due to the ease and flexibility that WooCommerce provide.

Envision Ecommerce have experts in both the platforms and always recommend our customers the best as per their needs. Contact us to help you find the best solution for your online Ecommerce business.

Image Credits :: https://www.similartech.com and https://builtwith.com/

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