The Newly Released Magento 2.3 – How Good it is than Magento 2.2?

  • author-img Nidhi Arora
  • 6 years
Newly Released Magento 2.3

Magento released the latest version of its world-famous ecommerce platform Magento on November 28, 2018, at the Magento Imagine conference. We know that you have been waiting for this release; since it is out now, you should be ready to use it. Magento 2.3 is now available with lots of powerful new tools and capabilities designed to enhance both merchant and developer experiences. With every update, the Magento platform is integrated with innovative features that facelift the entire ecommerce experience and bid goodbye to extension providers.

Comparing Magento 2.3 & Magento 2.2

Magento 2.3 vs. Magento 2.2
Features Magento 2.3 Magento 2.2
Progressive Web App (PWA) Yes No
GraphQL language Yes No
DB Schema Yes Yes
Asynchronous and Bulk Web API Yes No
Elasticsearch Updates (Magento 2.3 Open Source) Yes No
PHP 7.2 Yes Yes
Multi Source Inventory (MSI) Yes No
WYSIWYG TinyMCE v4 Yes Yes
Page Builder integration Yes No
Cache-Management ACL Yes Yes
Google reCAPTCHA and Two Factor Authentication Yes Yes

What does the latest platform version offer?

Magento 2.3 release has some noteworthy and significant functionality and improvements. For a merchant, the ability to manage inventory across multiple locations, accelerate fulfillment, and improve checkout performance are included in the Multi-Source Inventory. The latest release allows superior shopping experiences on both mobile and desktop devices as well as lower total cost of ownership with Progressive Web Apps. From security perspective, Magento 2 offers Two Factor Authentication and Google ReCAPTCHA tools out of the box. Page Builder, API handling, Magento Shipping, PHP 7.2 and few more features are discussed here.

Progressive Web App (PWA)

PWA is the latest front-end technology that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. PWAs are built on a JavaScript framework like React, Vue.js or AngularJS for handling data and displaying it; and communicate with a back end via (Magento 2) REST API. Key features of Magento 2.3’s PWA Studio include:

  • New tools for personalizing the content and adding local preferences.
  • Developing and managing all the channels and experiences via one code base, one deployment, and the app.
  • Innate user experience with innovative commerce and CMS theme.
  • Module component architecture to help drive opportunities for extension providers.
  • Purpose-built developer tools for faster prototyping, helpful debugging, rich feedback, and enhanced productivity.

GraphQL language

In 2015, Facebook developed and released a data query language GraphQL. Magento 2.3 implements GraphQL as an alternative API endpoint in addition to REST and SOAP. With efficient and smaller amount of data, you can make fewer API requests. This is better than traditional SOAP / REST request as it always returns all data associated with an endpoint, and needs at least one request per resource.

Declarative DB Schema

Magento 2.3 introduces Declarative Database Schema that allows developers to define database structures and changes in XML files, instead of defining with install scripts. The new release of Magento will convert the XML schema files into SQL statements and perform them.

Asynchronous and Bulk Web API

Asynchronous API in Magento 2.3 enables to process a large number of API requests asynchronously without waiting for the response from the server. It makes batch processing easier for big sites that receive daily bulk API requests i.e. inventory import, order status updated from the ERP system and more.

ElasticSearch Updates

ElasticSearch comes for Magento Open Source of Magento 2.3 users while previously reserved for Adobe Commerce (magento commerce) only. This gives merchants the opportunity to integrate powerful search capabilities in their online shops, including faceted search – filtering by attributes. ElasticSearch may transition into the default search engine in the near future. For now, Magento 2.3 will support the latest Elasticsearch v5.

PHP 7.2

Magento 2.3 comes with support for PHP 7.2. This allows Magento 2.3 stores to stay on top of the latest supported technologies. PHP 7.2 will bring new development features; enhance performance and security in Magento 2.3. PHP 7.2 removes PHP encryption module ‘mcrypt’. Magento 2.3.x migrates from mcrypt to libsodium for password hashing.

Multi Source Inventory (MSI)

One vital improvement introduced in Magento 2.3 (that you must know) is Multi Source Inventory (MSI). All inventory sources are managed with MSI, without any third-party extensions or platforms. This functionality enables stock management in multiple locations so that merchants can properly reflect their physical warehouses in Magento 2.3 system for fulfillment.


The WYSIWYG editor (or TinyMCE) is upgraded from version 3 to version 4 in Magento 2.3. It allows a highly customizable WYSIWYG: Widgets, variables, and media gallery are implemented as plugins and can be defined globally or on per shop instance.

Page Builder

Finally, we have CMS feature on this no-user-friendly platform. In Magento 2.3, the requested Page Builder is added. The Page Builder function enables merchants to create customized pages without having to write code. In fact, this function is the integration of the current simple drag-and-drop interface based on the revised Bluefoot CMS extension. If you haven’t known yet, Bluefoot is bought by Magento.

Cache Management ACL

Granular cache management ACL is an additional useful improvement in Magento 2.3. You can control which user can view and delete the Magento caches. This feature is useful when you have new team members who might need some time to interact with the system cache. Under these circumstances, you can control that a given team member can perform what level of Cache management.

Google reCAPTCHA and Two Factor Authentication

Magento 2.3 incorporates reCAPTCHA, a free Google service that protects your website login, register, contact form pages from spam and abuse. Google reCAPTCHA does not solely prompt shoppers to check a box to prove that they are not a robot before they complete a task. Rather it uses advanced risk analysis techniques, evaluates a broad range of cues that distinguish humans from bots. Notice that this is only included in reCAPTCHA v3.

The table here shows the availability of the latest version on Magento 2.3 and the source from where you can get it.
Product Availability How to get it
Magento Open Source 2.3.0 GA Available now Composer
Magento Commerce 2.3.0 GA Available now Composer

For partners and existing customers only

Magento Commerce Cloud Tools (aka ECE-Tools) Available now Composer
PWA Studio Available now as an open source initiative.

Commerce Cloud deployment planned in early 2019. Regular releases independent of Magento will extend basic Venia PWA storefront and Studio development tools. Current roadmap updated here.

Documentation and GitHub
Magento Payments Early access open for US-based merchants

Regional availability expected in Q1 2019

Request access

Self-service onboarding from

Magento Shipping Available now Merchants on Magento 2.2.2+ can use the onboarding process
Page Builder Available now for early adopters

General availability expected in early 2019

Bundled with Magento Commerce 2.3.x
Amazon Sales Channel Early access closed

Regional availability expected in first half of 2019 (US, Canada, Mexico, Australia)

Global availability expected in second half of 2019


Magento Marketplace

Google Ad Channel Early access TBD
General availability expected in first half of 2019

Magento Marketplace

The above-listed points are just meant for giving you some idea about the enhancements in the latest Magento 2.3 release. For more information about everything that’s new in Magento 2.3 or if you want to migrate to 2.3, get in touch with a Magento-certified expert. With the new set of powerful tools, we develop a platform that will take your online business to new heights.


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