6 Reasons Why You Aren’t Able to Convert Website Visitors into Customers

  • author-img Anup
  • 2 years
Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

The ultimate goal of an eCommerce store is to convert visitors into buyers and generate revenue. You may have a beautiful-looking store and traffic in millions, but that doesn’t really matter if you aren’t getting conversions. The only website visits that matter are the ones that are contributing something to your bottom line. Everything else is just a crowd.

The reality is that many businesses face this problem. They get enough traffic but are not able to convert their website visitors into loyal customers. In this article, we will look at six mistakes that online businesses commit that lead to this problem. So, let’s get started.

6 Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Conversion Rates

1. You Are Not Using Effective Call-to-Actions

You may have a user-friendly website that provides quality and valuable content, but if it doesn’t have clear and concise call-to-actions, you will lose a lot on the table. Even if your users want to convert, they won’t be getting there without proper CTAs.

In addition, make your CTAs specific, clear, prominent, and compelling. It should have all the required information for you to take the next necessary steps. You need to create call-to-actions that are specific and place them at a place where users will have a high purchase intent.

Some of the things that you need to pay special attention to when designing a CTA include CTA size, color, placement, and wording on the CTA. Also, do not embed your website with different types of CTAs – it will push users away. Use CTAs only where there is a necessity.

2. You Do Not Have Social Proof

Sometimes, it is possible that a visitor likes your products or services, but they hesitate to trust your business. Until or unless you are not a well-established brand like Nike or Sephora, who are known to billions of users around the globe, you need social proof to establish trust among users.

Even these leading brands use social proof as a tool to increase conversions, but they don’t really have to make an effort for it. Customers automatically post reviews on their websites, social channels, or other platforms. Not having social proof for a new and growing business is a mistake you would never like to make.

Social Proof to Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

Also, the world works on trust. Thus, make customer recommendations as simple as possible to find. You may feature some of them on your sales page and have others in the testimonial section. If you have reviews or comments from any popular influencer or personality in the industry, put them at the center where your customers can notice them more.

3. You are Not Catering to Mobile Audience

Did you know that mCommerce sales reached $359.32 billion in 2021? It is an increase of more than 15% over 2020. And by 2025, it is expected to more than double, reaching $728.28 billion. Now, forget about conversions if your eCommerce store is not providing mobile users with a great customer experience!

It is essential to ensure that your online store is responsive and that you offer an excellent CX on mobile. In addition, it is not at all expensive to cater to mobile audiences. If you can not invest in building a native mobile application, Progressive Web App Development is always the best option to consider.

4. Your Checkout Process is Long and Complicated

Most of the carts are abandoned during the checkout. Remember, if consumers find friction in your checkout process, they are not going to put their energy into making things seamless – you are the one who needs to get it done.

Website visitors desire an efficient and clean checkout process. Thus, make the process as simple as possible by minimizing distractions. Invest in testing your checkout process thoroughly and find out if any technical errors interrupt customers.

You can also consider providing a guest checkout option that lets your customers complete the purchase without registering.

5. You Are Making Wild Guesses

Data is the goldmine for eCommerce businesses today. So, in this era, making wild guesses instead of measuring things to make important business decisions is one of the biggest mistakes.

Also, many businesses know what they should track but do not know how. If you are one of them, check out these 5 eCommerce Metrics to Track for Analyzing Your Business Performance.

However, you should always start with your goals. Find out the objective of your business and what really matters for your business growth. Now, find out relevant metrics and try to improve them with time.

6. You are Using Poor Product Images

eCommerce website images play an important role in conversions. The better your product images look, the more likely your consumers will convert.

You must avoid grainy, low-quality, and small images in favor of clear and attractives pictures if you want to improve conversions on your website. Here is an amazing example from Leica website:

Good Product Images to Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

It is also a good idea to use videos to explain your product features and show them to your consumers more attractively. Video is proven to enhance website engagement so that people stick around and convert.

Wrapping Up

While running and managing an eCommerce business, success relies on many small factors. You may ignore one or two of them, considering they will not impact much, but sometimes they change the game and affect your conversions negatively.

Thus, make sure you pay attention to every one of the mistakes mentioned above and optimize your website experience as much as possible. For more information on how you can improve eCommerce conversions, get in touch with experts at Envision eCommerce.


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