How Magento 2 Developers Programmatically Create Attribute Type Drop Down

  • author-img Nidhi Arora
  • 7 years
Programmatically Create Attribute Type Drop Down in Magento 2

This blog post is the 2nd of our “Magento 2 Attribute Creation” blog series, you will now learn how to programmatically create attribute type drop-down in Magento 2. If Our team of certified Magento 2 Developers curates personalized solutions to create excellent drop downs. If you have not read first blog post “How to Add an Attribute in Magento 2?” yet, we strongly recommend you to do so.

To Programmatically Create Attribute Type Drop Down in Magento 2, you need to follow the coding structure as mentioned below:





‘group’ => ‘General’,

‘type’ => ‘int’,

‘backend’ => ”,

‘frontend’ => ”,

‘label’ => ‘Select image label’,

‘input’ => ‘select’,

‘class’ => ”,

‘source’ => ‘Eecom\TestMod\Model\Config\Source\Options’,

‘global’ => \Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Eav\Attribute::SCOPE_GLOBAL,

‘visible’ => true,

‘required’ => true,

‘user_defined’ => false,

‘default’ => ”,

‘searchable’ => false,

‘filterable’ => false,

‘comparable’ => false,

‘visible_on_front’ => false,

‘used_in_product_listing’ => true,

‘unique’ => false



Source for dropdown will be ‘Eecom\TestMod\Model\Config\Source\Options’, where you have to create the options array for a dropdown.

Eecom -> Namespace

TestMod -> your module



namespace Eecom\TestMod\Model\Config\Source;

use Magento\Eav\Model\ResourceModel\Entity\Attribute\OptionFactory;

use Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table;


* Custom Attribute Renderer


class Options extends \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\AbstractSource



* @var OptionFactory


protected $optionFactory;


* @param OptionFactory $optionFactory



* Get all options


* @return array


public function getAllOptions()


/* your Attribute options list*/

$this->_options=[ [‘label’=>’Select Options’, ‘value’=>”],

[‘label’=>’Bestsellers’, ‘value’=>’0’],

[‘label’=>’Newest’, ‘value’=>’1’],

[‘label’=>’Hot’, ‘value’=>’2’],

[‘label’=>’Favourite’, ‘value’=>’3’]


return $this->_options;




We recommend you to keep an eye on our next upcoming Magento 2 related blog posts to take your Magento 2 competence to the next level.

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