How to Call All Products of a Specific Category in Magento 2?

  • author-img Nidhi Arora
  • 8 years
How to Call All Products of a Specific Category in Magento 2?

It often happens that you need to verify the counts of products assigned to a particular category, or to fetch all the products of a category on a particular template. Then, how to call all products of a specific category in Magento 2? However, when it comes to the case of Magento 1, the answer is surely there and you know that answer very well.

But, here we are talking about Magento 2 and you know that Magento 2 comes with a new & quite different code base, so what is a nice way to call all products of a category in Magento 2?

Let’s help you to get the products of a specific category:

Step 1:

Inside the block directory of your module add the file with the following code:

namespace Envision\Eecom\Block;

class MyCategoryproduct extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
protected $categoryFactory;

public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryFactory $categoryFactory
) {
$this->categoryFactory = $categoryFactory;

public function getMyCategoryProduct($categoryId)
$category = $this->categoryFactory->create()->load($categoryId)->getProductCollection()->addAttributeToSelect(‘*’);
return $category;

Step 2:

So the second step is to call the function from the block file in your .phtml file:

$categoryId = 5;
$getAllProudctcollection = $block->getMyCategoryProduct($categoryId);

<ul class=”category-products”>
foreach ($getAllProudctcollection as $product) : ?>
<li class=”level0-child”>
<a href=”<?php echo $product->getProductUrl(); ?>”>
<?php echo $product->getName();?>
<?php endforeach;?>

Hope it helps you. Moreover, we at Envision Ecommerce are always open to your feedbacks, suggestions and tips. If you still have any query regarding how to call products of a category in Magento 2, our certified Magento specialists are always ready to serve you!

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