Checkout Tips That Reduces Cart Abandonment
Nidhi Arora
- 7 years

It’s astonishing to know that the average cart abandonment rate is more than 77% globally for ecommerce sites and that is a huge number for losing potential revenue. Still, there are ways that can help optimize the checkout process and influence shoppers to make a purchase if you have your site developed from a Magento ecommerce agency.
Alternative Checkout Options
Guest Checkout
Guest checkout options might not seem like a good idea because you would not be able to collect necessary customer data for future use. However, for customers, it is a great way to avoid time-hogging account creation to make a purchase. Most of the time, when a customer finds something of interest to buy and they proceed to checkout stage to make the payment, asking them to register by filling a lengthy form is like giving them a reason to abandon the cart.
Allow Login with Social Networks
The most convenient way to proceed to the checkout stage is by utilizing a social network account. It has considerably helped in reducing cart abandonment since it was first used in ecommerce websites. At times, making a purchase by logging through a Facebook account is even quicker and easier than a guest checkout. It also allow users to enter their details from their social account including age, address, phone number, city, zip code, profile picture and more.
Another advantage of using a social account is that businesses can store important customer information safely in their systems and shoppers can have the convenience of using a single account to login every time they shop.
Integrate One-Step Checkout
When anything from above is done, the process of checking out should be as efficient as possible. To facilitate this, one-step checkout is an ideal solution for an online retailer. You can make the process simple and easy for the customers with a one-step checkout. If they feel buying an item(s) is possible in just a few clicks; they will be inclined to proceed with ordering and complete the transaction. Since time and their hassle is reduced, you can see more sales coming in.
Better Checkout Form
One thing that worries most of the ecommerce site owners is how to make a checkout form and the process better. At times, checkout forms can be too complex, especially on mobile devices where limited visibility area leads to more pages to fill. This has caused a whopping cart abandonment rate. Let’s look at ways to combat the problem:
Use AutoSelect Feature
Speed is crucial in online shopping and it is evident that customers want to move ahead quickly at the checkout stage. Use the AutoSelect feature to help customers save time.
Allow Copying the Same Information in Fields Required
When a customer has entered the details the fields all at once, give him the option to select the same information in the next required fields. The most common is the billing address and the shipping address to be selected as same or different. Either give a check box to select the same information or autofill the fields with the previously filled details, allowing them to edit as needed.
Have All Payment Options
Now comes the end stage of checkout when your customers will be paying for the purchase. Give them the flexibility of multiple payment options by using popular payment gateway providers including, VISA, MasterCard, Amazon Pay, PayPal, American Express, Apple Pay, Android Pay and more. If you cater to worldwide customers, it is imperative to have all the different types of payment options as different countries have different methods of payments. Giving your customers the benefit of paying through their preferred means contributes in your sales conversions.
On the checkout page, add high-quality logos from reliable payment providers to help customers identify their preferred payment partner. This also adds to building credibility of your store for incorporating secure payment options
Still, there are things that you can do to reduce cart abandonment rate and make most out of every customer interaction. If you need help in integrating a better checkout process, talk to a Magento 2 Enterprise Development company.
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